as minhas coisas favoritas, e outras que não o são, pois nem sempre se tem o que se quer
my favourite things, and others that are not, as we don't ever get what we want


ainda andam por aí / still running around


sim, os anúncios da tarako kewpie continuam
(obrigado à galeria dama aflita por me ter despertado o monstro anos depois)

yes, the tarako kewpie commercials continue
(thanks to dama aflita gallery for awakening the monster years later)


instrucções / instructions #2


instrucções sobre como usar um inalador de vapores perdidos
instructions of how to use a lost vapours inhalator


400 [+2]


depois de 100, 200 e 300 finalmente o 400 [e 2]

after the 100th, 200th and 300 finally the 400th [and 2]

instrucções / instructions #1


aviso que informa sobre a ocorrência do aparecimento de uma larga linha vermelha na superfície da pele ao longo da perna esquerda no caso de se urinar de uma forma intermitente sobre catenárias do caminho de ferro que se encontram devidamente assinaladas por grandes setas vermelhas

warning informing about the appearance of a large red line on the skin surface along the left leg if someone urinate intermittently over railway catenary systems that are marked with bold red arrows for that purpose



love, robert indiana 1964-1970

miniatura-souvenir, em alumínio, da escultura original do indianapolis museum of art, acabado de ser oferecido pela mana
aluminium souvenir-miniature of the original sculpture housed at the indianapolis museum of art, just offered by the sister



irving penn
16.06.1917 – 07.10.2009

mermaid dress (rochas), lisa fonssagrives, paris, 1950
les bouchers, 1950-51 (?)
balenciaga dress, lisa fonssagrives, 1950
oakland, 1967 (?)
"twelve of the most photographed models of the period", 1947


pby catalina

tentando descobrir o que era um "pby blister gunner" descobri que na realidade pby se referia a um dos meus fetiches da aviação
trying to discover what a "pby blister gunner" was, i discovered that pby refers one of my aviation fetishes

pby catalina

aqui fotografado por howard hollem em 1942
here photographed by howard hollem in 1942

[Plane at the Naval Air Base, Corpus Christi, Texas]
[Working with a sea-plane at the Naval Air Base, Corpus Christi, Texas]
[It's an intricate operation - installing a 30-calibre machine gun in a Navy PBY plane, but not too tricky for Jesse Rhodes Waller, Corpus Christi, Texas. He's a Georgia man who's been in the Navy 5-1/2 years. At the Naval Air Base he sees that the flying ships are kept in tip-top shape. Waller is an aviation ordnance mate]

fotografias da maravilhosa colecção da "farm security administration-office of war information" guardadas na biblioteca do congresso, em washington e disponibilizadas na net
photos from the wonderful "farm security administration-office of war information" collection stored in the library of congress in washington and available in the net


lonesome cowboys


"may be a bit too much for many people but that's their problem"

warhol's lonesome cowboy's ad
afterdark 06.1969